Set Up Line Level Approval

In order for project managers to review, approve, and/or reject specific charge allocations using the Line Level Approval feature, the manager's functional role must have the appropriate rights.

To set up the Line Level Approval feature, complete the following steps.

  1. Select approval options. On the Miscellaneous tab of the Expense Configuration screen, select the Line Level Approval option that best suits your business rules.
  2. Create the appropriate functional roles on the Functional Roles screen in the Users & Groups menu by making selections in the following fields for the functional role(s):
    Option Description
    Type From this drop-down list on the Basic Information tab of the Functional Roles screen, select Charge or Employee and Charge to indicate that the functional role has domain.
    Approve Charges Select this check box on the Basic Information tab to indicate that the functional role is authorized to approve charges.
  3. Specify the charges that need to be approved on the UDT01 or UDT02 screen. Select the Line Level Approve check box for those UDT01/UDT02 records that need line approval.
  4. Assign Functional /Project Managers for UDT01/UDT02 records. Open the UDT01and/or UDT02 screens in the Master Data menu. On the Supervisors tab, and click Add Supervisor to add needed supervisors/project managers with the appropriate functional roles created in the previous step to the appropriate charges.
  5. Configure line level approval as part of Expense Report Types workflow. From the Expense Report Tasks tab, click Add Task to access the Add Expense Report Task screen, on which you will need to make selections in the following fields:
    Option Description
    Order In this drop-down box, set the sequence in which line level approval will occur.
    Expense Report Task In this drop-down box, select "Approve Expense."
    Primary Role In this drop-down box, select the functional role that will perform approval.
    Email/Alert Notification Select this checkbox if you want the functional role person to get an e-mail/alert for the task.